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These Formnotes reflect information received through June 10, 2017. Please send news/photos of yourself or other alumni for these pages to:

Formnotes Editor, Alumni Horae, St. Paul’s School, 325 Pleasant Street, Concord, N.H. 03301 or  


Norm Walker

Robert Pennoyer shares: “My son, Peter ’75, is an architect at Peter Pennoyer Architects, LLP, and employs about 60 architects. To read more about him visit I attended SPS with the Form of 1943, but because of the war skipped the Sixth Form and graduated in 1942 before enlisting in the Naval ROTC at Harvard that September.” 


Link Wheeler
(781) 936-2933

Warren Fisher shares: “Received the National Order of the Legion of Honor from France in April 2016 for the participation (in 1945) in the Colmar Pocket Battle at a time when the 28th Infantry Division reported to de Gaulle.”

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Chris Beels ’49 and Dick Cunningham ’49 at the Women’s March in January.


Peter Stearns

Bill Emery and his wife, Shelley, revisited Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Conn., this winter. They used to meet there during college days, more than 60 years ago.

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Shelley and Bill Emery ’52 revisiting Louis’ Lunch in New Haven.


Ed Harding

John McGinley writes: “I went up to the School in February. What an experience. My mission was to acquaint Jim Watt’s investment math class with technical analysis methods of investment analysis and the importance of monitoring investor psyche – seemed well received. Jim gave me the School’s guided tour. I attended Chapel, sitting one seat from the Rector. Heavens to Murgatroid – me? Who’d ever have thunk? With the old study hall gone, reports now in the Chapel, no orderly filing out. ‘Sting’ is not used anymore. So many changes – old clothes at most times – even Chapel! Many different types of food, boys holding hands, squash with the soft British ball, three masters living in Foster, a new dorm for students at the back. The first U.S. squash court is now gone (sigh, should have kept it for history’s sake. Played on that court once. It was almost square.). The huge robotics lab and its impressive mission. Would love to see the national competition.” Keith Lorenz shares: “I am working on a film script for an American who has been a gem hunter in Afghanistan for 40 years. Gary Bowersox, also a resident in Honolulu, has brought back rubies, emeralds, kunzite, and lapis from mines that Marco Polo once visited. He has consorted with tribal leaders, cabinet ministers, the Prime Minister, the Taliban, etc. I find it a bit trying getting over 15,000-foot passes in Nuristan these days. Need a damn good pony. Anyway, it’s jolly good fun, and the air is bracing.”


Bill de Haven

Anthony Horan shares: “I presented a poster in late January at the 27th Annual International Prostate Cancer Update at Beaver Creek, Colo., entitled Radical Prostatectomy Utilization after the USPTF Pronouncement (about PSA doing more harm than good) in the Southern San Joaquin Valley of California: Does the culture trump science here? The answer was ‘yes.’ There was only a three-percent drop in radical surgery compared to the 40-percent drop in more science-driven areas, e.g. New York family practice. After the meeting, my wife and I did two days of cross-country skiing there in 15-degree weather, high on a ridgeline. I can’t make the reunion because of more mountaineering in early August.”

EQ Sylvester shares: “USAGA hosted the first World Disabled Golf Championship at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club outside of Portland, Ore., last August, where 77 disabled golf athletes from 10 countries competed. It was the most amazing display of skill, athleticism, and courage I have ever seen, and I was a former six-handicap player myself. Previous World Championships have been held in South Africa in 2012 and in Japan in 2014. USAGA is collaborating with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to have ‘para-golf’ recognizedas a Paralympic sport.”

Philip Bradley

Bill Riker sends this update: “My wife, Barbara, and I enjoyed three weeks in Barbados and did not at all feel envious of family and friends who had to dig out from the March blizzard. Barbados was impacted by the loss of two days’ infusion of fresh visitors from Boston and New York and the lengthening visits of those who had planned to return. Local friends seem concerned less by Brexit and Trump-it than by continuing problems with the Barbadian economy. The current government is quick to describe the problems as being based upon former leadership’s decisions, and ‘not as bad as everyone says.’ But the issues surrounding an island economy with a strong but seasonal tourist presence and a small list of export commodities are beyond my understanding. They apparently are beyond the understanding of the government as well. Meanwhile, the breezes blow, the sun and rain continue, and the sound of the sea lures me into a sense of wellbeing. I have been asked again to preach at St. James on our last Sunday here, and am preparing a series of questions concerning the Samaritan woman at the well. It provides a change of pace for the congregation and hopefully will spark some conversations. Enjoy the balance of the season. We will return to New Jersey soon.”

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Harry Wilmerding ’55 and Philip Iglehart ’57 while quail shooting in Florida.

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Members of the Form of 1961 in attendance at the Alumni Association Annual Meeting in New York included: Ru Rauch, Winty Aldrich, Rick Wilmer, Peter Pell, John Shattuck, Lang Rust, Ed Tiffany, Jon Wainwright, Bob Rounsavall, Jim Hatch, and Bobby Clark.


Seymour Preston  

Richard Schade and Kedron Barrett ’79, each SPS faculty children years apart, met up in Berlin. Coincidentally, each was born into the same campus house, the white home opposite the indoor tennis courts.

Chris Chapin writes: “I want to report that Carroll and I are happy and well in Washington, D.C., and enjoy watching the political storm from ringside seats. I see Bill Tilghman from time to time at the Metropolitan Club, where I spend too much time playing backgammon at lunch. I recently resigned in protest as co-chair of the Yale Alumni Fund for the Class of 1967. I have been a co-chair of my class, raising money for Yale for more than 35 years and come from a family that has attended and supported Yale for three generations. In my letter to President Salovey, the leadership of my class, and the Alumni Fund, I objected to changing the name of Calhoun College (which I attended) as a failure to balance current moral standards with historical perspective.”

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Richard Schade ’62 and Kedron Barrett ’79 in Berlin.


Rufus Botzow

Rick Sperry, Chuck Coggeshall, Peter Gerry, Jim Cummins, and other friends attended the Yale versus Princeton hockey game at Princeton’s Hobey Baker rink on February 25, an event that has become a winter tradition over recent years. 

Ted Baehr sends this update: “Miracles happen. Three of my four children are happily married: Peirce, Robert and Evy. Between them, they have eight children, my grandchildren, with one more on the way. All the work that we’ve undertaken is flourishing, including my son Robert increasing the outreach of MOVIEGUIDE ® from a few million to over 34 million and my daughter Evelyn interviewing more and more stars (150+ each year) and often getting top priority on red carpets and movie junkets. One third of the parents in a survey in the Hollywood Reporter said they trust MOVIEGUIDE® more than any other review service for families. Our 25th Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala & Report to the Entertainment Industry was packed with great filmmakers and great stars, and was broadcast on the Reelz Channel on Easter Sunday. My wife, Lili, continues to suffer with 21 years of chemotherapy and seven operations and procedures for internal bleeding, herniated disc, and more. We all pass away; some to glory to remember and rejoice, and some….So, in this world, a great thanksgiving may be given for the generations that succeed us in standing for the good, the true, and the beautiful.”

Livy Miller writes: “Sperry, Miller, and Coggeshall, 1964 classmates and Yale roommates for four years, are looking forward to sharing festivities with Betts at his fabulous Santa Fe residence. The fiesta is to celebrate nuptials of his youngest daughter, Jessica.”

Haven Pell writes: “Skihad 2017 is in the books – three weeks at Squaw Valley. A neglected part of my life is back. Planning Skihad 2018 to include a bucket list of Western ski areas. Adventurous participants welcome, to say nothing of hosts willing to take in a self-sufficient traveler. Some sartorial advice might be needed.”

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Chuck Coggeshall ’64 and Rick Sperry ’64 with a painting of Hobey Baker (Form of 1909).

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Haven Pell ’64 at Squaw Valley.


Randy Morgan

John Rice

Stained Glass Temps is a restoration solution recently developed by Peter Otis. A few years ago, Peter’s home parish, Trinity Episcopal Church on the Green in Branford, Conn., needed to remove and restore three precious Tiffany stained glass windows. Faced with the possibility of having to stare at plywood plugging the holes for many months, Peter devised an aesthetic solution. He photographed each window and then created full-size posters to be temporarily placed over the plywood until the originals were returned. Visitors made comments indicating they didn’t realize they were looking at surrogates. Peter’s new Stained Glass Temps proved to be a success and he is hoping he may be able to help other churches, schools, universities, and colleges, avoid a construction-zone feel in their sacred and beautiful spaces during times of restoration.

Bob Hall writes: “Now that I am officially retired from the full-time faculty at Northeastern University (effective December 31, 2016), I have been catching up on what seems like a lifetime of filing and sorting. Just about the time of our 50th Reunion at SPS, Jackie Goggin and I had just received an offer on our house in Dorchester (where we had lived since moving to Boston from Washington, D.C., in 1990). We closed on the sale in August and, after an interlude at our second home on Cape Cod, moved into one unit of a two-family building that we had owned for about a decade. I gave my dean and my departmental colleagues notice in October 2015. Mike Marean, Peter Twining, and I – accompanied by our wives or girlfriends – went on a 15-day Viking River Cruise in Europe (from Budapest to Amsterdam) this past fall. We were joined by our other Harvard roommate, who was not an SPS alum. We had a great time. We connect with Hank Livingston ’63 and his family at least once a year, usually during the summer, when both our households are spending some time on the Cape (Livingston in Barnstable and we in Eastham). Also, this past summer, Jackie and I had lunch with Dave Evans ’63 at the Hyannisport Club. I plan to see Skip Hobbs soon, but he does not know it yet. The new presidential administration has been interesting to watch, if nothing else.”

Gordon Strauss sends this update: “I’m returning soon to Ohio, where we have a lovely 40-acre farm. We stayed in Arkansas for too short a time to start anything, and haven’t sold this place yet, but we’re optimistic about both places. Most of our families are in Ohio, too, which is truly nice for us. Leaving Arkansas is sad, but we bloom where we’re planted! E-mail and telephone number remain the same:; 513-518-5061.”

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A close-up of the St. Luke’s window by Peter Otis ’65.


Hugh Clark

Gordie Grand shares: “Cec and I were lucky to have three of our formmates and wives visit Anguilla this winter. They included Lynn and Bill Jackson, Marta and Jim Phillips, and Nano and John Higgins. We had a number of fun lunches, beach time, and other adventures. Needless to say, there were plenty of war stories about our years at SPS. It’s amazing to have so much recall about Millville, when we could barely remember what we did yesterday.”

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Gordie Grand ’66 (l.) and John Higgins ’66 in Anguilla.


Tom Shortall

The past month has been filled with family and friends, with new grandchildren becoming a common thread throughout the Form of 1968. But the dominant event has been the loss of our scribe, formmate, and dear friend, Christopher S. Gray, on March 10. A service was held in NYC at St James Church on March 17. St. Paul’s and the Form of 1968 were well represented by Irving “Shel” Sheldon and his wife, Kay (sister of Steve Metcalf), Jim Colby, Chris and Jim Robinson, Tim Megear, Walt Brown, Alice and Walker Wainwright, Alec Ulmann, Deane Evans, Thayer Walker ’95 (Ewing and Margot’s daughter), Spencer Tandy (brother of David Tandy), David Parshall ’65, Peter Pennoyer ’75 and Tom Shortall with wife Alice Young. The tone of the service was truly the celebration of his life – character, ideas, energies. The stories were humorous and full of Christopher – witty, eccentric, kind, smart. David Parshall spoke about his friendship with Chris over the years, Chris’s love of St Paul’s, his character, and his life with family and friends. Peter Pennoyer ’75, spoke after David, focusing on Chris’s professional life and the Office of Metropolitan History. We were all hoping that Chris would be at the 50th reunion in 2018. Erin Gray, Chris’s wife, has indicated that she will be there. We both are looking forward to seeing a large group of friends at the reunion. Certainly Chris will be there in spirit.

Walker Wainwright and his wife, Alice, announce the birth of their third grandchild (first grandson) on March 4. His name is Walker Benjamin Strauss. 

Tucker Hood writes: “In February, my wife, Cathleen, and I joined Tom Shortall and his wife, Alice Young, and several others on a trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and then to the monarch butterfly preserves at Piedra Herrada, El Rosario, and Chincua. Migrating from as far north as Eastern Canada and as far west as California, the monarchs winter by the millions in a few high mountain locations in Central Mexico.”

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Gilbert Charles Eaton, grandson of Chuck Eaton ’68.

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Dave Humphreys ’68 sends his regards from Nashville, Tennessee.

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Alice Young, Tom Shortall ’68, and Cathleen Hood.

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Walker Wainwright ’68 with his grandchild, Walker Benjamin Strauss.  


Terry Hunt

Bill Cahill reports: “Annie and Bob Rettew joined me for a lovely lunch at the Buckeye Roadhouse in Sausalito, Calif., in early March, after their rainy journey from Seattle to San Francisco. Bob appears very happy in retirement from SPS. Unlike Bob, I’m still working.”

John Hasen shares: “Not a whole lot of news from me.  A couple of years ago, I retired from my work as an environmental attorney for the State of Vermont and, after almost 40 years in the snow and ice, I moved to Hilton Head for a very decadent life of golf, tennis, and the beautiful South Carolina beaches. So, a reunion in Charleston would be great. My two kids are doing well. Alice (Yale ’12) is a musician in Memphis and Edward (Villanova ’16) is teaching English in Rhode Island.”


John Henry Low

John Henry Low files this form report: This column is short and sweet, while we all pack our bags and prepare to return to Millville for our Rockin’ Rock On 45th reunion, June 2 and 3. 

Before returning to Millville, Jeffrey Keith curated a new art show called “Storm Warning: Artists on Climate Change and the Environment.” This show opened March 9 at the Vicki Myhren Gallery at the University of Denver and, over the course of nearly two months on display, included artists talks and a symposium. In addition to his artwork, Jeffrey continues as an adjunct professor at the University of Denver’s School of Art and Art History.

From the “When Two or More Gather in My Name Department” – David Holt and his wife, Donna, visited the ever-elusive John Christensen and his partner, Andrea, in Austin, Texas, in February. David and Donna’s son, Ben, is a guitarist and music teacher in the Dallas area. While in Austin, David reported, “John and I hiked in the hills and swam in Sculptor’s Pool. How appropriate, since John is a sculptor. We talked about books and ideas, as we did at SPS all those years ago. He cooked some good meals and showed us his studio and sculptures at various locations in Austin. They have an abstract quality and are inspired by nature. He is aware of every tree, shrub, critter, rock, and weather pattern, reminding me that so many of us are disconnected from nature (unless we can see a pretty version of it on our phone). The beauty of the SPS campus and environs tuned many of us on to nature, I suspect.”

The Form of 1972 Sports Report: Our own Ironman Charlie Bronson just keeps on running. And swimming. And bicycling. Charlie took first place in his age group at the Century Tuna Subic Bay (Philippines) Ironman 70.3 Triathlon. Astute readers will recall that Charlie’s first-ever attempt at an Ironman was a mere year ago. This placing also has secured Charlie a prestigious qualifying slot at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships that will be held this year in Chattanooga, Tenn., on September 9 and 10. Only about 3,000 of 130,000 competitors from around the globe qualify for Worlds. Congratulations, Charlie. We have to get a Form of 1972 cheering section out to Chattanooga in September. We look forward to seeing Charlie, Jeffrey, and David at our upcoming reunion (June 2 and 3). We hope we will see you as well.

This is my last column before the Anniversary issue of Alumni Horae, and I have had a blast hearing from you all and reporting on your comings and goings, deeds and misdeeds, and just plain hangin’ out, and even making stuff up about you over the past five years. So, to all of you, in the spirit of our Sixth Form Show closing, with that immortal Dale Evans and Roy Rogers song, “Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again.”

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Charlie Bronson ’72 took first place in his age group at the Century Tuna Subic Bay (Philippines) Ironman 70.3 Triathlon.


Carl Lovejoy

Reid Cassidy has a new hip and a new grandchild, his first and third, respectively. He writes that the grandchild is causing him less pain than the hip.

Carl Lovejoy and Blaine Carter reconnected in Washington, D.C., recently for dinner and a hockey game. Carl commented that Blaine looks great, although still had a difficult time seeing the puck. Carl also bumped into Charlie Ohl and his wife on a plane recently – the first time they had seen one another since SPS days. Charlie lives in Buffalo and is a sales representative at Buffalo Cheese Traders, LLC.


Spencer Fulweiler

Will Waggaman shares: “I married Audrey Baird ’78 in Beverly Hills, Calif., on January 25. We were close since our SPS days and reconnected last summer.”

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Chris Willis ’77 with SPS JV hockey co-captain George Willis ’17 and SPS JV hockey coach Matt Soule ’77.


Liz Robbins

In January, I went to a talk at Wellesley Books by Will Schwalbe ’80 about his new book, Books For Living. SPS sightings included Anne Benning, Alison Zetterquist ’76, David Myers ’78 (who just relocated to Wellesley from Pennsylvania over the summer and is teaching at Northeastern), Nora Tracy Phillips ’78, Geoff Underwood ’80Tim Stone, and Eugene O’Brien, who drove up from Rhode Island. 

Lockhart Nimick writes: “I really have nothing of interest to report to the general public – everything I do is either crushingly dull or I can’t talk about it. I am the deputy chief at the Administrative Appeals Office, part of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, in turn part of DHS. We do appeals from denials of about 50 kinds of immigration benefits, and like any other appellate body, it is as exciting as watching paint dry (there is a reason TV shows do not involve appellate practice). The only thing of note is that my office published a precedent decision involving national interest waivers for second-preference, employment-based immigrant visa petitions. I just Googled it and found a bunch of YouTube videos – you can see it is exciting to a rather limited and circumscribed demographic: Otherwise, we are looking forward to the changes the new administration will bring. Family-wise, my oldest son joined the Marines last year and is part of a FAST rapid deployment team. He goes to Japan in March for his first tour (and hopefully stays there the whole time – these are the guys who are first on the ground when things go south in various theaters). My second son is a freshman at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, where he is an acting major and just got the best grades of his life, and my daughter is a junior day student at Madeira here in McLean, Va., where we otherwise live. In other news, my dad set up a family foundation in his will, and I am the current chair of it. It is called the Nimick Forbesway Foundation, and we support a number of organizations around the country and the world (one is Archipelago Books, where Rick Moody is on the board). I opened the new slavery exhibit at Mount Vernon. It really is an important exhibit, and well worth the visit. Otherwise, I do photography for a hobby and am up to almost 72,000 hits on my woefully uncurated Flickr site (www The foundation and photography have a neat synergy, since I can get shots I otherwise could not, like with kids in a school in Guatemala, or from the top of the Washington National Cathedral. Well, that’s way more than I thought I’d say, but one gets carried away talking about oneself at times.” 


Susannah Robins Albright

Mason Wells

Susannah Albright writes: “Louise Ingalls, Jennie Hunnewell Kaplan, Sally Scott, Augusta Tilney, and I gathered in Palm Beach in January for an annual reunion we’ve been doing for many years.” Gifford West shares: “David Nelson, Mark Schneider, Eldon Scott, Bill Vogel, and I had a great ski trip to Snowbird earlier this month. No good photos. I am frequently in Kiev if anyone is in the neighborhood.”

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Mason Wells ’80, Greg Cyr ’80, and Bill Stride ’80 gathered for the NCAA men’s hockey Northeast Regionals in Manchester, N.H.

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Members of the Form of 1980 atop Alta in February included Bill Vogel, Eldon Scott, Matt Genda (a friend) Gifford West, and David Nelson (Photo: Mark Schneider ’80).

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Louise Ingalls ’80, Jennie Hunnewell Kaplan ’80, Sally Scott ’80, Augusta Tilney ’80, and Susannah Robins Albright ’80 in Palm Beach.


Alix Carey 

Reza Dana reports: “Life in Boston is good. It was wonderful to see so many formmates at our 35th. Every time I drive past Concord en route to a ski destination in Vermont or New Hampshire, I either stop by the campus or pause to remember those special days so many years ago. SPS still often permeates my dreams, with vivid experiences and conversations. Very special place.”

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Reza Dana ’81 and family in the Caribbean during spring break (l. to r.): Reza, Nima, Kian, Leily, and Azhand.

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L.A. Pelicans gathered at the home of Michael Stubbs ’83. 

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Icy Frantz ’83’s daughter Brady with Caroline (Tim Busler ’84’s daughter) and Lily (Rob tVincent ’87’s daughter).


Sarah Jones

François de Guitaut writes: “Living and working in Paris with my wife, Fred, and two kids Alexandre (10) and Laure (11). Just returning from a great skiing session in the French Alps. Do not see so many Paulies in Paris, so do not hesitate if you pass by.” 


Laura Munro

Pete McBride shares: “As you may or may not know, I hiked the entire length of the Grand Canyon last year to document that National Park for Nat Geo (First journalist/34th person in history – but
really who cares?). The 800-mile trail-less scramble gave plenty of time to think about the difference between what you want and what you need. I definitely need more time with my friends and family, including SPS clan (deeply reminded by losing classmate Marshall Neilson) but thankfully shared a six-day leg of the journey with Matt “Beast” Mallgrave.”

Matt Aston writes this mid-March update: “The Matt Aston clan – Wendie, Brooke (7), Harley (4), and Zander (2) – are healthy, growing tall, and ready for the big bunny and jelly beans. Yet, we are saddened by the loss of Echo, our faithful American Eskimo canine daughter of more than 15 years. She loved garden-fresh broccoli,  was always a joy to be with, and is truly missed. This Easter, our prayers are for the families of our SPS friends who have also lost loved ones this past year, reminding us to cherish each moment we share together and to make time in our busy lives to slow down for a warm hug, sweet soft kiss, or sloppy lick each and every day.”

Amanda Cramer writes: “I’m sorry to miss the ranch mini-reunion, but my son Tomas was chosen to go to Sacramento for National History Day for a poster project he and a classmate/friend did on Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day. Since it’s the same weekend, I can’t miss that. My big news is that I have officially registered a fictitious name (dba) for my own small business, ‘Two Moms to the Rescue,’ subtitle ‘Garage Arranging,’ and will be launching after I finish working at H&R Block for tax season (April 18, 2017). Never, ever wanted to be self-employed, but here I am.”


Dee Scates 

Rob Seamans writes: “My wife, Georgia, and our children, Robert (7) and Colette (3), and I are back in N.Y.C. after spending the year in the D.C. area, where I worked on President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. Please look us up if you are around NYU and want to meet up for a coffee, or something stronger.” John Meeks shares: “Stephen Hermsdorf, Alex Eberts, Jason Ramus, and I were ripping it up heli-skiing for three days in British Columbia – awesome snow, and still skiing strong and looking great nearly 30 years later.” Richard Tchen writes: “Hat tip to Amachie Ackah ’90 and Toby True for coordinating us, Phil Price, and Gregory Cowhey P’19 for another SPS Sparks Day of Service, tutoring at St. James School, starring Mr. Marshall. Big thanks to Lock Steele ’92 for bending my ear as I contemplate my next career move (”


Dan Kearney

Townsend Baldwin writes: “We all look forward to next year’s SPS Sparks Day of Service. We had an amazing day together, mulching in Central Park. Afterward, the group went for coffee.”


Page Sargisson

I get to see Rosy Keyser often, since our sons attend the same school. She is living in Red Hook, Brooklyn, with her husband, Britt, and son, Winslow. She’s opening a solo painting show at Maccarone Gallery N.Y./L.A. on April 22 in Los Angeles, which runs through the summer, and will be participating in a group show, which opens May 6 at MassMoca in North Adams, Mass., and runs through the summer. Dana Goodyear ’94 will be writing the press release for the show in Los Angeles, which is a fun collaboration.

Stuart Logan writes: “We are moving this summer to Vail for my wife’s sports medicine fellowship. A bit of a change from Boston, but an exciting career opportunity for her and a good experience for our family. We will likely only be there until August of 2018, so if you are in the area let me know and we can try to get Matt Vickers over from Aspen.”


Chris Gates

Ryoji Kubo and his wife, Hanako, welcomed a baby boy this winter. Yutaro Kubo was born February 19. 

In February, David Kurd, Eli Chamberlain, Amory Blake, Mark Kurd ’96, Alan Kurd ’97, Michael Kurd ’00, and Andrew Kurd ’05 got together for a ski trip in Bella Coola, British Columbia. Despite some travel issues and a major fire that the group escaped without incident, a terrific time was had by all.

John Harden has been named a principal of Siemasko + Verbridge, an award-winning design firm that provides architectural, interior, and landscape design services as well as interior decorating. John has been with SV for seven years, and oversees a majority of the firm’s commercial, institutional, and academic projects.

Josiah Hornblower has been busy running Shattuck Labs with co-founder Taylor Schreiber ’98. Shattuck is developing state-of-the-art large molecules for use in oncology, autoimmune disease, and rare disease. Josiah writes: “We are having a blast, and wanted to pay homage to the SPS founder in our name.”

Andrew Fagenholz shares: “Turns out Jason Woodard ’93 is my neighbor. We watched the local elementary school music event a few weeks ago and discussed the fine points of Old Hundred club soccer strategy (kick and then watch where the ball decides to go) circa the early 90s.” Great news from Eddie Park: “Just wanted to share the news that my daughter, Stephanie Park ’21, has become the latest Paulie. She will be attending SPS this coming September as a Third Former.”


Morgan Stewart

On February 12, 2017, Michael Stubbs ’83 and I hosted a Los Angeles Pelican Network event at his beautiful West Hollywood home. It was the perfect day – 72 and sunny – with a great group of Paulies in attendance.


Ben Bleiman

Ann Gavin shares: “We’ve added a new little boy to the mix. William Jonathan Gavin was born on January 25, 2017. He joins big brothers Colin (5) and James (2) in keeping us on our toes!” Sheerin Vesin writes: “We welcomed our second boy, Félix Bennett Vesin, into the world on October 10, 2016. He is joyful and gigantic, but unfortunately not yet sleeping in equal proportions to his size. And since increasing the size of our family by 33 percent wasn’t quite enough change, I decided to take a new job. In February, I joined the International Youth Foundation, an NGO focused on bridging the gap between education and employment in 70 developing countries. As the director of product strategy and commercialization, I am working on releasing a work-readiness assessment for young people that should hopefully set a new standard for measuring hard-to-test traits critical to success on the job, including grit, confidence, and openness. I would love to connect with any Paulies who work or dabble in this area (”


Elizabeth Marshall Leeds

Lindsay Elliott and his wife, Dana, are happy to report they have a healthy one-year-old and are living in Brooklyn, like every other Millennial – ever. They were married in late 2014 with a few Paulies in attendance.


Ryan Davey 

I started doing a podcast with Rich Keefe ’02 called #Dork that recently was picked up by WEEI in Boston. Rich is an on-air personality at the station, and they just added our podcast to their website. The podcast itself is kind of a catch-all for us to talk about movies, comic books, video games, et al. We also get contributions from other alums, including Tristan Besse ’02, Will Woodward ’02, and Brian Sharkey ’02Andreas Mendez-Peñate writes: “I have some big life events to report. I was married in August to my amazing wife, Manuela Igel. There to celebrate were formmates Ben Chace, Arpy Saunders, Ted Smith, Nick Ames, Ross McGee, and Seth Warren. Manuela and I live in Belmont, Mass., and I am following in the footsteps of my dad, teaching Spanish at Nashoba Brooks School in Concord, Mass. Like my dad, my students call me Señor M-P! Manuela and I are overjoyed to welcome a baby boy into this world in May.” Myung-Won Ro shares: “On April 30, I celebrated my 10-year anniversary as an equities trader at my firm, Macquarie Securities Korea.”


Toby McDougal

I’ve had two fantastic trips out to California this winter and saw many Paulies both times. In early February, I was in San Francisco hanging out with Luke Chappell, Miller Resor, and Seth Chapin. In late March, I was in Los Angeles, again enjoying some good times with Miller, and attending the wedding of Hopie Stockman ’03, where many Paulies from several generations enjoyed a beautiful ceremony before bogeying down on a packed-dirt, desert dance floor. I look forward to seeing you all at our 15th reunion this June in Millville!

From Alexa Melkonian-MacIver: “I am completing the RN-to-BSN program at Saint Anselm College and will be graduating in May. This will be my second bachelor’s degree from St. A’s. Also, I am hoping to start graduate school this fall and plan to enroll in a master’s of nursing education program.”


Thomas Ho

Kelley Wittbold, Camille Ashley, Ben DeLoache, and Thomas Ho caught up with one another during Kelley’s visit to San Francisco in February. If other Paulies are ever in San Francisco, drop us a line.  There was an SPS mini-reunion in Niseko. Joyce Hau and Izumi Devalier enjoyed some awesome powder in Japan in March. Izumi moved back to Tokyo at the end of last summer, while Joyce is currently based in Hong Kong but continues to travel the world. 


Matt Danzig

Sarah Van Dyke Hochtl and her husband welcomed a baby boy, Mattias Anton Hochtl, in September 2016.  Alexandra Sasha Jostrom graduated from the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University in May 2016.  Daphne Hallett Donahue and her husband, Ben, welcomed their second baby, William, on August 15, 2016. He joins big brother John, who turned two at the end of February.  Yennaedo Balloo will be officiating two weddings for friends this spring and summer and is the proud owner of a six-year-old English Shepherd. He self-published his first novel last year, Beneath the Wood, which is available in paperback and on Kindle through Amazon. Yennaedo is currently shopping his second novel and planning to start the third soon. 

Jennifer Choi was married in April 2016 to JC Lombard. SPS was very much part of the wedding, with the School Prayer being read during the ceremony and many St. Paul’s friends in attendance. In January 2017, Jennifer and JC welcomed the birth of their first baby girl, Alexandra.  Hannah Goldman married Daniel Blon-shteyn on October 15, 2016, in Newport, Rhode Island. Timothy Liddell is living in Milan, Italy. Peter Grace will be attending MIT Sloan School of Management to get his M.B.A., starting in the fall of 2017. Peter will be focusing his studies on how to help corporations create positive social impact at scale. Robert Gosney moved to San Francisco after seven years in Shanghai. He sees Brett Camarda all the time. Charles Waters is transitioning from military service to entrepreneurship by starting his own business.

Mighty Oaks International Nursery and Kindergarten, Kimberly Kwok’s play group, nursery, and kindergarten in Hong Kong, is now up and running. Matthew Danzig and his wife, Allison Pennock Danzig, moved to San Francisco from New York City in May 2016. 


Evan Seely 

Stephanie Sorowka has a packed summer planned after her six-month environmental education internship in Vietnam (she’s going to miss her students’ energy and spirit), starting with some well-earned brother-sister time in Bali. Later, she will continue to cultivate her mindfulness with a 10-day silent meditation course in Greece, then travel by land up to Germany via Poland to explore her Polish heritage and visit Germans with whom she devel-
oped friendships while they lived and worked in Canada. She is looking forward to future travel and work abroad.


Quincy Darbyshire

Laura Eshelman Peterson sends this update: “I married Teddy Peterson on November 19, 2016, in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Two of my bridesmaids were Eliza Crater and Virginia ‘Ginger’ Nelson ’08.” Anne-Louise Meyer shares: “After eight years of studies, I finished medical school at the University of Regensburg, Germany. Also, I handed in my thesis to finish my master’s in rhetoric and speech communication. Now, I am starting my first job in neurology. I’ll be doing half a year of research on ALS and a clinical rotation at the neurology department of the University Hospital Regensburg. If ever you find yourself in Germany, please stop by.”

Grant Gendron writes: “I am moving from Manchester, N.H., to Washington, D.C., to begin work as a litigation associate for the law firm of Polsinelli, PC. I am extremely excited and would be eager to connect with any and all St. Paul’s alums in the area. Please e-mail me at to get in touch.” Vicky Thomas shares: “Five years after meeting at MIT, Anthony Morelli and I were married last September in Sundance, Utah. Ismel Salazar was an usher. We enjoyed our honeymoon in New Zealand and French Polynesia, and are now back in Salt Lake City, where we live with our dog, Bailey.”

Kaye Verville sends this update: “Living in Brooklyn Heights and working as a crisis communications consultant, coincidentally in the same office building as Danielle Covatta. Recently enjoyed catching up with Paulies Catherine Nelson ’05 and Ali Morgan ’11 at the bachelorette weekend of Morgan Nelson in Charleston, S.C.

Peter Harrison writes: “After having spent the past few years in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle and Portland), I’m now returning east to work full-time for Overland. It will definitely be an adjustment to small-town New England living, so I’ll definitely be looking to visit Paulies in Boston / N.Y.C., and hoping folks will come visit me to catch some hikes in the Berkshires.”


Diego H. Nunez

Last August, Steph Crocker (now Steph Ross) married Eric Ross (Dartmouth ’11) at a misty mountainside ceremony at Dartmouth’s Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. The Form of 2008 was well represented, along with Steph’s siblings, Ali ’02 and Mark ’05.


Tom Johnson

Alex Sareyan will be attending Stanford University in the fall to pursue a master’s degree in statistics.


Taylor Casey

Brittany Marien and Mike Daly ’08 are both master’s candidates at Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program. Brittany is concentrating in international security and Mike is concentrating in intelligence. Mike and Brittany met in a Chinese language class at Georgetown, and were surprised to find out that not only did they both attend St. Paul’s, but also both played varsity ice hockey – Pelicans turned graduate Hoyas. 


Tekla Monson

Brooke Avery was named to the Hockey East all-academic team for the second year in a row at UNH. Brooke transferred to Syracuse University New House School of Communications for 2016-17 and received a 4.0 GPA while playing DI women’s hockey. Sadly, Brooke lost her maternal nana (Ruth P. McManus) in May 2016, after a period of failing health. Brighton Troha will graduate in May from Loyola University Chicago’s Quinlan School of Business, with bachelor’s of business in marketing and sports management. She will continue her education at Marquette University Law School in pursuit of concurrent M.B.A. and J.D. degrees, with a specialization in sports law.


St Paul's School